
We are proud to announce we are providing our Social WiFi platform to the renowned Asahi British Beach Polo Championships held on the prestigious Sandbanks beach this July.

In conjunction with C4L, who are utilising wireless leased line technology to provide secure Internet connectivity on the stunning Sandbanks peninsula, Fusion WiFi are providing its Social WiFi login system to allow all visitors and staff easy secure internet access by logging in with their social media accounts.

It is expected that the 10,000 visitors will be provided with over 100MB of bandwidth directly to the beach,  providing more than enough capacity for the event transactions to run smoothly so the sporting enthusiasts can enjoy the day.  The ease of use for the attendees will be greatly increased with no requirements for online form-filling to get online.

Adam Troman, Managing Director of FusionWiFi Ltd said, “We’re very excited that our Social WiFi platform will be used at this event in conjunction with C4L’s infrastructure, allowing the visitors simple internet access.”.

Johnny Wheeler, Director of SandPolo Ltd, said, “Using Social WiFi, we’ll be able to offer easy internet access for everyone, and we’ll also gain a Facebook pagelike for our official page.  It’s a win-win situation for our visitors and for us.”.